Are you wondering if custom planner printing is a good idea? We have the information you need to decide whether to print or not.
Do you know if having a paper planner actually helps us stay productive? Are you questioning whether paper planners have a place in the digital age? The answer to both questions is "yes".

You can be a passionate planner with an eye for design and want to print your own planner and share it with the community. There is a place for your product on the market. Or you can be in charge of finding the perfect corporate gift for your company's partners and employees. Planners are useful, practical, and memorable. Your partners will probably see your company's logo every day, multiple times.

Why Custom Planner Printing is a Good Idea
There are many different types of people in the planning community. They have different needs based on their lifestyle, job, or preferences. And all of them are looking for custom-printed planners that fit those needs perfectly. And your planner can be just the one they want.

Research shows that in 2016 paper planners' sales amounted to around 342.7 million USD in the US. We live in a busy age. A good organization helps us navigate both our personal and professional life. And paper planners have stayed a key organizational tool for many people.
There are a number of reasons for that.
- Studies support that we retain information better when we read from paper than when we read from screens. This means that our plans and action steps stick with us more when we write them down on paper.
- Using pen and paper makes us concentrate more and actually think about the things we are writing.
- Paper planners allow us to be more creative. Whether somebody is a functional or creative planner, satisfaction is higher on paper than digitally. Actually crossing over our to-do list gives us a sense of accomplishment.
- Having a paper planner makes us dedicate time to planning, as we have to sit down to do it, so it is more purposeful.
It can be a self-care ritual and a meditative time, as we get to spend time self-reflecting and mapping out our action steps and goals. Using stickers to design planner spreads can be a very calming activity.
Designed by Paolinoshka
How to Get a Planner Printed
To get a planner printed, you will need to find a printer you trust. A printing company with an experienced team can help you design and print your own planner. They can offer advice on binding options, setting up a print-ready file, or design elements to get the exact result you want.
Our designers have created templates to help you get started with your design, as well as some guidelines to ensure you have a print-ready file as a result.
Tips for Planner Design
Make sure that you keep your ideal customer in mind while designing. Do they prefer functional or creative planning? Do they plan business or family activities? Is their schedule time sensitive or looser? All this will affect the layout you decide to use. Space allocation is different when using stickers or just writing to-do lists. If you make a separate page for every day, you will need a higher page count than for a weekly planner. Also, make sure you have a theme. It doesn't matter if it is minimalistic or colorful and fun as long as it is consistent.

How Much Does it Cost to Print a Planner?
It is hard to tell the price of a planner as there are many options to choose from. From binding, paper type, covers, and the number of pages to embellishments and the number of copies you need. Every one of those elements affects the price. You can check the price calculator to help you get an idea about the cost of your perfect planner. Start on the book printing page by choosing the binding type and intuitively follow the steps to get the price.

We hope we have convinced you that custom planner printing is always a good idea. Keep in mind your end goal and target market while you are designing; we are sure your planners will find their place in the planner community.